Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday Secrets (about my boring life)

Hi there!

It's Saturday, and I've just spent half of my day working on a project I'm not even done with yet. I have to take pictures of things with transformations (this is for geometry-I'm in advanced math, against my will) and write about them. Which My teacher, Mrs. Confectioner, is pretty nice to me even though I've had three bad test grades in a row, all in the C to D range:0 It's taken a lot out of me, getting such bad grades, but then again I know I'm not good at math naturally and have to work for it. I seriously spend an hour and a half a school day doing math, so proportionally to all the other homework I have the time spent on it is off the charts. Like a bajillion to one.

Let me talk about my friends and family. That's usually what we all care about the most right?

My Mom: She is a patent agent, which means she gets patents for inventors. She is a ceramic engineer (which does not mean she does pottery, as my former LA teacher thought). She is originally from New Jersey but instead of an East Coast accent she speaks with this weird, European one. It's natural, which is kind of scary. I love her but we fight a lot. Like a ton. She knits and used to scrapbook when she was a housewife. It's kind of cool to think about her as a sexy scientist. She became one back in the day when no girls were engineers, so I have this fantasy quite often. She is basically my math tutor and is quite brilliant, but isn't really street-smart and kind of oblivious sometimes. She is also very strict. She freaks out when my brother is listening to music and there is a naughty word. In my opinion, bad words are only bad because you make them bad. That doesn't mean I curse like crazy. Rather the opposite. Everyone used to think that I'm this innocent young girl. Now they realize (the people at school) that I'm tough and sarcastic and truthful and harsh. That isn't the real me either. I'm a very soft person behind tough walls. Like the inside of an Oreo cookie.

My Dad: He is also a ceramic engineer. We moved from Texas, where I was born, to Germany to where we live now because of him. He is a Renaissance man: good at math and science, really good at languages and English class, good at sports. He is really nice but has high expectations, which isn't a bad thing. I get along with him really well. Last summer in August we went to Provence, just the two of us, for my birthday trip. We had an amazing time and really bonded. He's talking about doing it again, which I would love...I just have to convince him about this Ireland trip I want to go on for "gifted students." One of the classes is Novel Writing, and I want to be a writer, so it's a no-brainer. It's actually quite a reasonable price, but he is kind of against it, probably thinking I'll escape to drink some Irish beer.

My Brother: Thor is really happy-go-lucky all the time. He is smart, sociable, and two years younger than me. He is really good at sports. Like super-good. Basketball and soccer are his things, plus lacrosse. He can be really sweet sometimes. Yesterday he offered to help me buy a new phone because he has lots of money. Other times he can be absolutely evil. He weighs as much as I do (but you could never tell-he's really thin but dense) and can tackle and beat me up. I get most of my bruises from him. Like my dad, he is a Renaissance man. He reads a lot, just not as much as me.

Rose Saltine: Rose is my best friend. I already talked about her last post, so refer back to that. I love her so much. You'll hear about her a lot, since she is both my confidante and supporter.

Rue DeDevilo: She is half-Mexican and half-Italian-American. She has probably the best sense of style of anyone I know. I've been picking up a lot from her. We started to become friends after she read THG and Percy Jackson. She used to be a Twilighter but I brought her back from the "dark side." We fight a lot, over stupid things, but she is what keeps my life sprightly. She is very dramatic but quite insightful.

Abigail Edward: Abigail is blonde and petite. She swims and might make is to the Olympics one day. She is really good at science, though it would be hard to guess from her appearance. She is smart but acts dumb, which I think is pointless. She is really fun to tease but has a good listening ear.

Clove Pumpkin: She is really vivacious and full of life (aka likes to curse). She actually was my main inspiration for the title of the blog, Sweater Vests. She used to like Waterboy, whose specialty is sweater vests, and the two of us had an inside joke about them. She is very dramatic and impulsive, but I'll have to deal with her next year, as we are going to high school together. I'm hot and cold about her.

Waterboy: He's been my obsession of the last couple of months. He has brown-blond hair, blue eyes, and is tall, which is an A+ in my book, since he looks like a German boy. Yay! He flirts with like every girl and acts like a player, but inside really isn't, according to Rose, who has been very close with him. Rose thinks he likes me but is scared of rejection (I am a very scary person- mu ha ha). He is really good at sports and is in my geometry class. We actually sit like right by one another, which is a plus. I don't think he would ever like me though. I hate lost causes. Anyhow, I cannot give up on him. I need something to focus on.

Mr. Envrok: He is my LA teacher, and my favorite teacher at that. He really gets me. He loves to read and write, and so we get into really great discussions. He made up a vocabulary quiz a few weeks ago featuring me and Waterboy, plus a lot of my friends. See, when we were in Washington D.C on class trips me and some of my friends divulged all the love interests in our grade. He felt really bad after the quiz because everyone now knows who I like. Waterboy has been avoiding me, but it isn't Mr. Envrok's fault; he's still the best.

Jakob Au: My friends think I like him, but I don't. He's half-Asian, really pale and skinny. Really quiet too. I'm a girl of my word too. We are just friends (this is for Abigail). JUST FRIENDS

Phil Bird: He is really skinny and pale, plus can run really fast. He is obsessed with me. Like seriously. It's really freaky and I feel bad about it because I don't like him at all. If you compare him and Waterboy, he seriously cannot hold a candle.

My Enemies:

Wren Tomson: Tall, red-head. Kind of goth but not. I think he likes me, which is really creepy because he could pose as a stalker and the police would come and arrest him. He might totally be joking though. It's hard to tell.

Tory Deer: She likes Waterboy too and I think she may want to kill me. She is always trying to copy off my work and isn't all too bright. Waterboy doesn't like her, which is obvious by how mean he is to her.

Linda Dusty: She dyed her hair half purple. Very almost punky. Is always flirting with Waterboy. She is nice enough, if she isn't flirting with him.

That's only a quarter of the people in my grade, but you'll hear about the rest later.

I'm basically procrastinating right now. Yay for procrastinators!

I've done nothing today. Except for read. Right now I'm reading European History for Dummies. I love history (geek you say). It's actually quite fun and reads like a scandalous novel in a way.

It's almost spring break, and I'm going to Italy!!!! In one week, I'll be on my way to Venice! Yay!

Thank you for visiting Sweater Vests!

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