Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Name Game


On the verge of a nervous know the situation is bad when you find your sharp pair of scissors on your dresser when you wake up in the morning. All the stress is piling up on me: French recitation tomorrow, history test on Thursday, plus a test on the doomed losers (aka Romeo and Juliet), and of course packing for my adeventure. Add in a dumb, unresponsive boy and just being your crazy self, and you have a problem! And oh yes, I almost forgot, my mother is making me write a THREE PAGE ESSAY about how helpful I am to apply for this scholarship at the high school I'm going to, which I find completely pointless and ill-timed, considering I'm about to go on an Italian tour.

Nothing too much happened today. Clove Pumpkin, recently gotten together with Strep Throat, is planning out her childrens' names with him. Already. Don't you think that is a little soon? That video we saw last year during Sex Ed made me give up even thinking about having a child, much less with someone from our grade. She is picking out godparents for each child. Oh goodness. It got me thinking about my potential children. I would like to have one boy and two girls. The boy will be older (and protective) of his sisters. I thought about names:

-the boy's name is Percy _____. I still have to think up a middle name. I love the name Percy, it's so cute! And old-fashioned in a way.
-Anneliese Rose. I like Anneliese because it is so pretty and Germanic, and Rose because it is so pretty and also the name of my best friend, so it's a two in one deal there.
-Katniss Lisette. I'm not crazy and obessesed to name my daughter Katniss; I really really like it. Like we could call her "Kat" or "Nissie." Lisette is my middle name only without a y.

I love names. They tell a lot about a person.

During assembly today Waterboy sat down right in front of me and Rue. Her feet were literally centimeters from his back, and she whispered to me "I'm really tempted to kick him in the back of the head." I kept urging her to do it, but she chickenedd out (I almost did it myself-yes, I'm crazy). I kept thinking about his punky babies with Linda. They would have creepy, glowy blue eyes and freckles and be really short but muscular with purple-blonde hair. Really creepy to think about:)

Have lots to do! Too-da-loo!

(P.S. I have Act-Like-An-Idiot Syndrome (ALAIS). That should really be a medical condition. I bet you can figure out who I have it around...I also have it around Jakob, but for a different reason (Mr. Envrok is convinced I'm in love with this quiet, skinny child, but it isn't so). I get ALAIS around him because I love making weird faces at him. He is so nonresponsive that it makes it fun. Then of course Waterboy sees and goes 'What's going on?" I know he is dying with jealousy:)

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